For decades, Americans have seen the decline of manufacturing in the USA as a result of bad trade deals and offshoring. Discount stores imported Products Made in China by shiploads.
Manufacturing plants around the country closed their doors for good. We the consumers enjoyed the low cost prices of those cheaply made imports until we realized that they didn’t last quite as long or they didn’t work as well as the former made in USA products did.
Then over and over again, we hear news reports of products made in China and elsewhere being recalled because of hazardous, lead and other toxins in toys, clothing, pet food and toothpaste.
Consumers began looking for Made in USA products in the stores, but were hard pressed to find them, so they went online and discovered, there are a lot of small manufacturers, still selling products made in the USA but the prices were much higher than they were in the discount stores, but they decided to buy because they wanted what was best for them and their families.
The net result is these small businesses grew and helped create jobs and more demand for American Made products, despite, legislation, regulations and competition from cheap imports. They grew because of consumers who demanded change. Who demanded quality goods that were not contaminated with toxins.
The Buy American Movement is flourishing because consumers started demanding better products that are made in the USA. They are willing to pay a bit more, but thanks to technology, the prices on US made goods have decreased while their quality remains high.
Manufacturing will never be what it once was, technology is taking over many of the lost jobs, but even with automation, there are jobs created. Someone has to take care of the machines doing the work after all.
Many of the small manufactures still don’t use advanced technology and something just cannot be made by machines at this point in time, but those companies can still thrive so long as we support them. We can support them, by purchasing their products and or telling others about them. Snare them on social media and in person.
While its not possible to buy or afford everything you want that is made in the USA, when you do buy American Made products, you are bringing jobs back to the US bringing back American Manufacturing. The power is within each and every one of us.
About the Author:
Jim is the marketing director and media spokesperson who is passionate about US Manufacturing. He has more than 20 years with marketing advertising , SEO and more.