US Manufacturing continues to evolve and change from its inception in the 1820’s. Today manufacturing is more than assembly line work. It is a combination of innovation, technology and people that will help bring manufacturing back to the United States and bring jobs back home. Prospective applicants need to know the skills that will translate into a career.
Unfortunately many are still under the misconception that manufacturing is low paying and mind-numbing employment. Many would be surprised to learn that “manufacturing offers highly skilled and well paying jobs. As well as the opportunity for a life long career.” This has led many to pursue degrees at universities rather than trade schools and apprenticeship programs.
Currently “six out of 10 manufacturing positions remain unfulfilled because of the talent shortage” and over the next 10 years “nearly 3 1/2 million manufacturing jobs are likely needed to be filled,” but with the current skills gap more than 2 million of these jobs could remain unfilled.
At The Buy American Movement our goal is to not only encourage young people to get excited about the opportunities that US manufactring offers but also encourage those currently in the workforce to obtain new skills to make themselves more marketable as more jobs become available.
Today we all need to be proactive in pursuing employment that not only pays well but is also something that we can be passionate and proud to do. We want the American worker to succeed and in order to do so our resources can help you learn about job opportunities and make give yourseld the upper hand when it comes to landing a well paying job.
About the Author:
Writer, cat lover and passionate supporter of buying American made and American manufacturing. Looking forward to seeing more products on store shelves that are Made in the USA.